My own Ying and Yang

I love and feel inspired by dark charcoal anatomy along side with bright color acrylics. I have a feeling they will soon merge together into one. I have felt something with each piece. Please let me know what you feel.

Lover of Moon, 2024

Behr Paint


My grandfather, nicknamed El Toro, served in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. El Toro had two purple hearts. While away from home, he would track his time away from home by tracking the number of full moons that would pass through the long nights. El Toro came home and continued to serve his community. Helping kids get to school through the snow, keeping an eye out for neighbors, and always bringing a smile to my face. It’s been 10 years since his passing. It’s been 10 years that I look at the moon and remember to serve my community and appreciate what my reality is. Thanks to El Toro.


Blue Heron, 2024

Behr Paint, Gold Leaf


We are often encountering moments where we have two choices: to do or to don’t. What we decide is what we make our reality to be. Sometimes we want one thing, but our patterns in life have led us to get another thing. The thing is, we have to break the pattern. This is a challenge not many can handle. Change is hard. But the reality we want will never come with the same pattern. The Blue Heron is a striking symbol of inner strength, prosperity, and resilience. These are the characteristics we need to change a pattern. Are you a Blue Heron?


Ignorance is Bliss, 2024

Behr Paint


Think back to who you were when you were five years old.  Think about what was most important to you. What stresses you out the most? How easy was it for you to find joy in the small things? The beautiful innocence allowed for such ignorant bliss. Life was so simple before the lessons, betrayal, hurt, trickery, and conformation. This is the reality I’m seeking. At first, it was really hard to feel my memories from childhood. They were forgotten. A lot of them still are forgotten. But it’s possible to remember. In order to remember, I have to let myself feel. I remember more now, but I have a long way to go. Feeling my memories have helped me break the patterns to create my reality. It hurts a lot. But I have to face it to get to the desired reality.

Hound Lady, 2024

Behr Paint


Alice in Wonderland has always been an influence in my life. What is normal? Why? Who says? I call nonsense on all normal things. So much so that your normal is equated to me seeing a purple hound dog dressed in proper women's attire. Absolute nonsense. The lack of impression this hound has displays my view on society’s normal. Uninteresting and unsuiting. Normal is as normal as a proper hound.

Lingerie, 2024

Behr Paint


Silly how a piece of garment has been fabricated to become an illusion of lust or sexy. It’s a facade that many fantasize about. But when it comes down to it, are we wearing this garment for our own enjoyment? Or are we wearing it to ease a level of insecurity that has been implemented in us from social structure? If you know of a flattering AND comfortable garment….call me. 


Bat, 2024

Behr Paint


This is the first painting I made using Behr Paint. You know that feeling you get when you find the “right” pen? That's what I felt with this paint. I lost myself painting this bat. The colors transitioned perfectly. This bat is what led to all of the colorful creations in this collection. I can’t get enough. 

Veil Woman 1, 2023



*Bundle of 3 Veiled Woman for $750

We’ve all seen her. We’ve seen that woman that is full of mystery. You can see the life lessons. You can see the pain and pride. You can feel the confidence and hesitancy. You are filled with questions and left with no answers. That woman holds all the power. This is 1 of 3 pieces that feel like power. 

We’ve Come Full Circle, 2024

Behr Paint


This veiled woman (the beginning of this expo series), still remains in the end. Only She is surrounded by colors. These colors are sourced from my color palette that made this expo’s portfolio. The mysteriously powerful woman remains through the series of color and lessons and growth and fails. She felt all of these lessons. She sits tall sure of who she is now more than ever. She feels deeply through every color of every lesson. She sits and reflects on the reality she has at hand. She is embracing the new piece. But she is not done yet. It’s just the beginning. Cheers to her new reality. 

XOXO, 2024

Behr Paint, Gold Leaf


Isn’t it interesting that the image of beauty isn’t easy to maintain? Why is this image the only way of being beautiful? Also who said this is beauty and the only beauty? Who ever said it really started a domino effect of how women should be. Which is unfortunate. What I acknowledge is this is beauty… but so is every other shape. Actually, the shape isn't beautiful. The way the shape lives is what is or isn’t beautiful. This figure is made up. It’s a cartoon dripped in gold and framed to be idolized. Why is it idolized? Does this figure help the elderly cross the street? Does this figure ignore those who are less fortunate? How do we know this figure is beautiful?  Who made this normal? And why? 


Elvis, 2024

Behr Paint, Gold Leaf


There is something about goats that makes me feel powerful. The kind of power where I know I am important and a force to be reckoned with. Goats, to me, resemble independence and strength. Yet when you look in their eyes, you see innocence and sometimes loneliness. Last year I was given the remains of a goat named Elvis. This is not a strange thing in my reality. Elvis is welcomed into my life and my guardians to help guide me through my journey. Elvis will help me hold my head high with the power I have had in me all along. This is Elvis.


Veil Woman 1, 2023



*Bundle of 3 Veiled Woman for $750

We’ve all seen her. We’ve seen that woman that is full of mystery. You can see the life lessons. You can see the pain and pride. You can feel the confidence and hesitancy. You are filled with questions and left with no answers. That woman holds all the power. This is 1 of 3 pieces that feel like power. 


I Feel In Color, 2024

Behr Paint, Gold Leaf


When you change your pattern and you're ready to grow in the hardest way, you feel the walls close in. You lose your breath. Your heart hurts. You feel nauseous. You have nowhere to hide because you know it's time to change the pattern. You feel the walls close in as you realize no one can do it for you. You feel alone and lost. But you have to remember, when you’re lost and you don’t know where to go, anywhere will get you there. So your breathing starts to slow down. Your head starts to clear. Your stomach unclenches. You can breathe for the first time a new kind of fresh air. You feel everything and nothing all at once. And you know you're breaking the pattern to create your reality you know you deserve.