My Services

I transition a plain room into a room with a message. I create the energy and flow. Art has a way of drawing people into your world and creates connections with each other. So, whether you want a mural in your living room, shop, gallery, changing room, or outside for passerbys to see, let’s get your message out there!

How can this help my business?

Did you know there are SEVERAL proven benefits to having a mural in your shop? Here are just a few of my favorite:

1) Build Identity - Apart from shop logos, most businesses forget to add the extra identity to set them apart from the same shop three blocks down. Titles and letters get muted and automatically discarded by customers. Having a mural sets business apart and attracts customers simply because you will stand out and easy to identify.

2) Customer Bonds with Business - Business 101, what is your message?! Can you tell me your logo portrays your message? When potential shoppers know what your mission is, they will absolutely feel a need to support you. This makes your shoppers feel like they are doing something for the community. It doesn’t end there; they now tell their friends what you stand for because they are proud of what you stand for! Once a customer bonds with your business, you have a customer for life. What message does your business portray?

3) Social Media Attention - We all know just how much the internet has changed things. Heck! You’re reading my message via the interwebs! Social media has changed the game. For those who had a shop before the internet, you didn’t learn this part in business school (or however you learned to start your business). From google review photos to Instagram hashtags, if your walls are not “aesthetically pleasing” the odds of your shop being photographed are slim to none. Among the businesses that get a lot of attention on the internet are the ones that people want to do photo-ops with because they have to show everyone about this cool place they went to. Let your shop be that cool place.

4) Motivates Employees - As a business owner, we have all asked ourselves, “What can I do to create the type of environment that my employees want?”. Did you know there are certain colors that create focus and peace? On the same coin, there are colors that create stress and migraines. Which set up do you have for your office? Don’t stop at employees, think of how your customers feel when they come in to have a meeting. What mood do your walls create for your customers? It is proven that employees enjoy, thrive, and inspire when they are surrounded with an artistic and welcoming environment they feel welcomed in. Thus, business thrives.

5) Cost Effective - Murals have minimal maintenance. There are no electric wires to change. You don’t need to worry about plumbing. You just sit back and enjoy your view. Let’s grow off of that. You pay for the mural, and now you don’t have to maintain it. Add the customers coming back to see you, or your employees thriving, now your mural turned into an investment and these additional earnings have paid for the mural.


Indoor murals on a smooth wall is considered “Basic.” No matter the size, it’s all about the canvas I am working with.



Indoor or outdoor murals can be “intermediate.” How much texture does this canvas have? Popcorn walls, painted over brick, and old wood can all be qualified for this category.



Ceilings, floats, busses, and large decorations will fit in this category as I will have to work around a few challenges from designing to proportions.


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.