Born in El Paso, raised in Baytown, blossoming in Galveston, Jamie has journeyed down the path of making the illusion of being an artist a reality. Let’s get one thing straight, there is no starving artist in this story. 

Growing up in Baytown, Jamie was often told she has a natural gift with art and needs to pursue that. But what does that mean? She didn’t see any artists walking around town. There were no paintings hanging in people’s homes. No one bought her work. So maybe art college? Maybe that will show her how to be an artist???

Alas college was not on this journey. Jamie landed herself in a few hard life lessons early on that will absolutely lead to long term effects. Things like domestic violence at 18, unplanned pregnancy at 20, and figuring out the big bad world from a very naive brain at 25. Give it less than 10 years, and these lessons turned into …well they turned into what she has made of herself today. A proud artist who wants to show the world that you can make your dreams your reality without having your dreams handed to you on a silver platter. 

Jamie was in the insurance industry for the better portion of five years. The money was growing (slowly), and the higher ups guaranteed “it’ll all pay off.” Nevermind the 80 hour weeks, the time away from family, and always being on call to anyone on your work-team. This was the solution in hopes of providing a “successful” home to her husband and son. This is the best course…right? 

Wrong! After living in Galveston for a year, Jamie saw the art through town and just knew if she didn't take this reality on, she would regret it. She packed up her office (cubical) and joined a 9-5. This allowed her to have time to practice art for the first time in years. One year later, That 9-5 turned into 10-3 and ramping up her networking for her own art career. 6 months later, that 10-3 ended and Jamie is now a full time artist! 

Her mission is to be a voice to those who want to change but don't know what’s on the other side. She has a YouTube giving very real lessons of her journey as a starting artist. Her art portrays emotions of love, hurt, innocence, and concur. Every day, Jamie reflects on the reality she has made for herself. And every day, she acknowledges, it all started with her wanting better for herself. 

This is the result of making her own reality. It’s just the beginning.
